The golden year (neurones networks)

At the time Donal hebb made an updating rule for modifying and connecting strength between neurones for network. in the year 1956 American computer scientist John McCarthy first adopted the word "Artificial intelligent" and then Ai is coined as Academic field.

                                 In the year1958 &1965 An AI Researchers H.A.Simon and Allen Newell made a prediction that in 10 to 20 years machine will be capable of doing any work a man can do. Due to that they generated value and funds for continuing their research.

                         Where in Year 1967 Japan's Waseden University initiated a project Name as WABOT Project and completed the project in Year 1972 with WABOT-1. which is the world's first intelligent humanoid Robot this robot can walk and can grip object with hands using tactile sensors and it can also communicate with people at that time..

AI WINTER (1970 - 1980)

           In 1970 researches sets the expectation in possibly high which they could not fulfill at the time. The year 1974 to 1980 known as the first AI winter duration.
                 In this duration computer scientist found it difficult to create intelligence in machine because that time computers were not well developed enough to process the enormous amount of data in large magnitude, due to that they failed to provide the result as they promised.
               Government and corporations were also losing faith in AI. due to that computer scientist where dealing with acute shortage of funding for  AI research. The same time Neural Nets program was shut down completely for almost 10 years.
These years became  known as the "AI Winters’.

Xiaomi Mi 10i